Today we’re excited to share some gorgeous photos of the donkeys at our Arrana Rescue Centre. Thanks to your generosity, along with the support from all our donors, we built this new centre earlier this year. It’s now home to 34 rescue donkeys, who receive the very best of care.
This week, Dr Rakan and Wael paid a visit to their ‘babies’ to carry out veterinary check-ups, trim hooves, and simply say hello to all the donkeys they’ve helped rescue over the years.
We hope you’re as pleased as us to see how well these donkeys are being cared for – all made possible by your support.
News from our Rescue Centre in Arrana, the West Bank
Dr Rakan and his vet student, along with Wael, travelled up to Arrana this week to provide check ups and hoof trims to the donkeys who live at our rescue centre in the West Bank.
Some of our donkeys also needed new name tags – including a recent arrival called Smart.
Dr Rakan was delighted to see ‘his babies’ are looking so healthy – with glistening coats and good weight gains, clearly enjoying the wide spaces at the new rescue centre. Wael was also able to provide hoof trimming – watched over by the inquisitive herd!
It’s clear to see the special bond the donkeys have with everyone who works at Safe Haven – just look at the greeting Wael received from the herd, and the how pleased Nicholl is to see Dr Rakan.
All the rescue donkeys remember their friends, Dr Rakan and Wael.
During the hot weather, our donkeys are especially disturbed by flies. The team have installed fly traps, and provide repellents and specialised ointment for the donkeys. Mahmoud is responsible for the daily care of all the donkeys at Arrana. He has experience with equines and previously worked in agriculture before joining Safe Haven.
Above you can see Mahmoud (left), Wael (middle) and Dr Rakan (right) who take amazing care of all the donkeys – including Rakan the donkey (below).
Thank you!
It’s only with your help we are able to improve the lives of working donkeys, mules and horses in Egypt, the West Bank, and Gaza, as well as care for all the animals at our sanctuary in Israel, and our rescue centre and hospital over in the West Bank.
We hope this update has helped to show you how your donations are helping donkeys in desperate need – thank you for your support!
Have you seen our new TV ad showcasing our work? You can view it on this page.