Our donkey update – 5th October 2023

News from the Rescue Centre in the West Bank

You may remember our story of the donkey set alight and cast out onto the streets of Jericho in the West Bank. We’re pleased to say he’s doing well – and has a new name! By popular demand of our supporters he’s now called Rakan, after our wonderful vet Dr Rakan who saved his life.

You can see a short video of Rakan the donkey below.

Rakan the donkey is now healthy and safe at our rescue centre.

News from the Sanctuary in Israel

As we head into autumn, the sun is still shining over at the Sanctuary in Israel, so the donkeys have been enjoying some cooling treats.

Little Nader continues to grow bigger by the day – here he is peeking out from behind his mum, Hope.

We hope you enjoy these lovely photos of some of our other residents – look how healthy and happy they look, all thanks to your support.

Here’s our very handsome Trooper.

Anthony says hello.

Sooty thinks it’s always good to have a friend to lean on.

Whilst the donkeys queue up patiently to get some apple treats from Moussa.

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