Our donkey update – 8th February 2024

Over at the Sanctuary – a bit like here in the UK today – it’s been incredibly wet weather. As soon as it’s dry enough, improvements to the site will begin, with a first priority of improving the fencing, followed by updating the quarantine and hospital areas. We will bring you an update on this soon.

Meanwhile it’s been extremely busy for all our mobile vet teams this last week.

Dr Shaaban’s team in Egypt are working six days a week as the need for veterinary care is huge amongst the brick kiln donkeys. We are now reviewing options for introducing a second mobile vet team to ensure we can help even more donkeys and mules – watch out for more news of this very soon!

Our mobile vet teams out in the West Bank are continuing to provide much needed care to animals across the region. Dr Omran’s team is working as normal in the Jordan Valley, but unfortunately Dr Eyed and Ahmad over in Hebron are only able to visit outlying villages as the local animal market is still closed. Dr Rakan, Wael and Nour are working hard in the Nablus region to provide vital care – and we’re pleased to give an update from Dr Rakan below.

News from the West Bank

Dr Rakan and Wael have been out on the road this week. Roadblocks have proved frustrating but we’re pleased to report on a recent visit to the Balata Refugee Camp.

As you will know, we believe that education is vital – Dr Rakan always spends time with the children to show them how to care for their animals. They always love the goodies he gives out too (thank you for helping us to fund these).

News from our Nablus hospital

Although most of the donkeys who lived at Nablus have moved over to their new Rescue Centre home in Arrana, Dr Rakan continues to provide extra veterinary care to a few donkeys who need more support. This includes Jan and Rakan the donkey!

A few more of the Nablus residents will soon be joining their friends over at Arrana later this month. We’ll keep you posted on this – and thank you once again for your support helping to build the new centre. The donkeys love their beautiful new home.

Thank you!

We hope this update has helped to show you how your donations are helping donkeys in desperate need – thank you for your support!

If you’d like to read previous updates of our work, please click here.

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