Thank You for caring!
We need you as together we fight for better living conditions, access to basic medical care and treatment of hard-working donkeys, like Blondie (pictured)

When Dr. Rakan, our award-winnig vet, responded to an urgent call about a donkey in the West Bank he found the animal lying in the scorching sun, unable to stand, barely clinging to life  - suffering severe neglect. This donkey was in a critical state - dehydrated, weak, and bearing numerous wounds. Despite the grim prognosis, Dr. Rakan immediately took action - administered an IV and antibiotics, and focused on stimulating the animal's nervous and muscular systems.

Dr. Rakan’s gentle touch coaxed the donkey back from the brink. Every movement caused winces, each wound a testament to the neglect this poor animal endured. But with meticulous care, an IV, antiseptic washes, and soothing creams, the donkey's spirit flickered back to life.
We learned that the donkey's elderly owner, burdened by age and disability, could no longer provide the care the donkey desperately needed. So, the donkey, whom we named Blondie was taken to our Nablus medical hospital clinic receiving daily doses of veterinary expertise and tender love. 

Soon, Blondie will trade the walls of the hospital clinic for the open areas of our Arrana rescue centre. Here, he’ll frolic with newfound donkey friends in his new home. Stories of hope, like Blondie's are only possible thank to you - our loyal, generous, caring and kind supporters. Thank you for caring!

You have the power to make a lasting difference to donkeys in need like, Blondie by donating today. For US Paypal, please follow this link.

Here at Safe Haven for Donkeys over 200 abandoned, injured and traumatised donkeys have found refuge at our sanctuary located near the Israeli town of Netanya. A sanctuary where discarded donkeys can live a life full of love and care they so much need. With your help, we provide free veterinary care to working donkeys, mules and horses in towns and villages across the Palestinian Territories. In order to bring about long-term changes in attitudes towards these humble beasts of burden, education sessions for owners and local veterinary students are also a vital part of what we do.

We are the only organisation dedicated to the welfare of working and abandoned donkeys in Israel and the West Bank and have been here for the donkeys for the past 20 years.

We can only bring this much-needed help with your help and kind donations.

Will you donate today?

£95 | $115 could run our mobile clinic for a day
£60 | $67 could pay for a sack of milk replacement powder for an orphaned foal
£40 | $50 could pay for a dental checkup and treatment for two donkeys
£25 | $30 could pay for a vet visit to the sanctuary
£15 | $20 could feed a donkey for 2 weeks
£10 | $12 could pay for hoof trimming for a donkey

Single and Ongoing Donations

You can now donate securely with any major credit/debit card via our online secure server or PayPal.
For US Paypal, please follow this link. Thank you for helping to ensure that SHADH can continue its work in the Holy Land.

Will you join others and do the right thing for vulnerable donkeys?

Gift Aid

If you are UK a taxpayer, once you have made your donation, please complete a Gift Aid declaration to allow us to reclaim an extra 25p for every pound donated from the Inland Revenue. If claiming Gift Aid, you must read this.

During the last year, Safe Haven has been able to reclaim £25,000 from the Inland Revenue – that’s enough to pay for a veterinary surgeon to visit the sanctuary every day – so as you can see, “Gift Aiding” your donations really would make a massive difference to our work!

E-mail – email giving Safe Haven permission to reclaim tax on any donations you have made in the last four years or may make in the future, remembering to quote your full name, address and supporter number

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