Coronavirus – with your help we can get through this

As you all know, the situation regarding the COVID-19 coronavirus is changing all the time.  Just last week, we e-mailed you to say that it was business as usual at our sanctuary in Israel.  Since that time, Israeli authorities have sensibly imposed restrictions on travel and we have had to take the precautionary decision to close the sanctuary to visitors for the next few weeks at least for the safety of our staff, volunteers and visitors.  Our staff are still able to get to and from the sanctuary and we have one person living on site so our donkeys will continue to receive the very best care.  Our team are all in good spirits and thank you for keeping them in your thoughts and prayers at this difficult time.  We will keep you updated and in the meantime, you can keep up with us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and can see our donkeys on our webcam here


In the West Bank,as we mentioned last week, restrictions on movement have also been put in place.  Dr Rakan is still unable to get out and about with the mobile clinic but is doing his best to support owners over the phone.  He, Nour and Wael are still looking after the donkeys at the Nablus clinic and are treating any donkeys, mules or horses that are brought there, especially on Thursdays when the donkey market takes place right next to the clinic.  No doubt when Dr Rakan is able to start the mobile clinics again he will be very busy as there will be a backlog of animals needing help.


In the UK, we have had to take the decision to cancel our April pub quiz and our stalls at events until at least the end of July, again for the safety of all attending.  Wendy, Melanie and Fiona are all working from home and we have diverted our post and phones so that you can still reach us.  We very much hope that our events will be back in the autumn – watch this space!


All this has meant that we are experiencing a drop in income and we would like to ask you please to continue supporting us all you can – every penny is vital to us right now.  To make a donation click here or if you’re in the UK, call us on 01444 470136 – thank you from the bottom of all our hearts.  You are part of the Safe Haven team and together, we will all get through this.  Thank you for your support – please take care of yourselves and stay healthy and safe.

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