
Video updates from the Sanctuary and the West Bank – 1st December 2022

Dr Rakan and Wael have been busy helping so many animals this week – but we think this is the cutest one! And Griselda has some new trousers! They carry out a very vital job – protecting her legs from flies – which can be a particular problem for white equines, where the blood vessels are more exposed and attractive

Video updates from the Sanctuary and the West Bank – 1st December 2022 Read More »

Rakan treating a donkey by a busy roadside

Video updates from the Sanctuary and the West Bank – 24th November 2022

Dr Rakan, Wael and Nour have been covering an area far and wide this week – visiting places such as Aqraba, Mekhmas and closer to home at the Nablus market. Here you can see a series of short videos – the first shows a poor working donkey who has been rested but still received a high carbohydrate diet.

Video updates from the Sanctuary and the West Bank – 24th November 2022 Read More »

donkeys being weighed at the sanctuary

It’s weighing-in time at the Sanctuary (plus a bonus video from the paddock)

It’s time for a weigh in at the Sanctuary – this is particularly important to monitor the weight of our older residents. Any weight loss may signal a problem with their teeth, for example. Don’t forget to turn up the volume when you play our video from the Sanctuary paddock! The donkeys have a lot

It’s weighing-in time at the Sanctuary (plus a bonus video from the paddock) Read More »

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