News from El Saf, Egypt
This week we have an update from our veterinary team out in El Saf, Egypt. As you’ll see from the photos below, your support to our new programme is already having a positive effect on the lives of donkeys and mules in the brick kilns.
The team are visiting two to three kilns every day, as well as responding to emergency call out cases. As word spreads of their veterinary clinic, we know the welfare of the donkeys and mules will improve, so thank you for supporting our work out in Egypt.

The mules and donkeys of El Saf are expected to carry vast loads of bricks. This is why it’s incredibly important their harnesses and neck collars are adequate and correctly fitted.
Here we can see a donkey with a wound on its rump – Moharan and Dr Shaaban soon set to work to treat the donkey to ensure its pain was relieved.
Thanks to your support we are able to finance new harnesses and neck collars. These will have a big impact on the welfare of the donkeys and mules.
Our team are already seeing improvements in the donkeys and mules of El Saf. Here you can see a donkey with a good body condition score – and a new neck collar, all thanks to you!
Donkey donors are often needed – here you can see a donkey giving blood, which will be used as a plasma infusion.
The blood and plasma was a much needed treatment for a donkey with severe anaemia. The transfusion – along with fluids for dehydration – helped a donkey in need.
Thank you so much for all your support to our work in Israel, the West Bank and Egypt. Don’t forget you can read news of our new West Bank Rescue Centre plans by clicking here. Thank you!